
Free Video Access to the Latest in Academic Biomedical Research

Every single minute, over 300 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube. While many of these videos might be your typical cat video or the next viral clip, some channels are seeking to make a tremendous positive impact on the world by sharing knowledge free and wide. Once such channel is Oncotarget, produced by Impact Journals.

Founded in 2010, Oncotarget is a peer-reviewed open-access biomedical academic research journal focusing on all topics in the field of cancer research. The current Editors-in-chief of Oncotarget are Mikhail (Misha) Blagosklonny (@Blagosklonny) and Andrei Gudkov. The journal seeks to bridge the divide that exists between many fields of science in hopes of facilitating major breakthroughs in academic research. Its YouTube channel is one of the many ways the journal accomplishes this task, and it believes that promoting content on a totally free medium such as YouTube serves as a valuable asset to the scientific community and to humanity overall.

In many ways, the Oncotarget YouTube channel seeks to disseminate published research far and wide. A primary function of the Oncotarget YouTube channel is to make complex scientific information available to the general public in an easy-to-understand message. Videos are a great way of communicating information, particularly when that information is scientifically intricate. The digital reach of the Oncotarget YouTube channel allows for an even deeper impact of the scientific information published by this journal, resulting in a positive benefit for scientists everywhere.

For researchers, the Oncotarget YouTube channel provides an invaluable resource for the to further expand the meaningfulness of their research. The “Supplementals” playlist published by Oncotarget includes hundreds of videos linked to unique DOI’s so that researchers can present their findings in an organized fashion. But what is perhaps even more valuable is the suite of post-publication promotion options that Oncotarget provides to its authors in the form of YouTube video interviews. These interviews, lasting anywhere from five to thirty minutes, provide authors an opportunity to further expand on their published research in a more informal and colloquial setting.

For the scientific community, the benefits produced by the Oncotarget YouTube channel are tangible and clear. Already having been noted as a pioneer in the field of open-access, Oncotarget’s ability to freely disseminate research to the world is only strengthened by its presence on YouTube. Scientists are now able to connect with each other on a level not typically available when reading a published paper, and the digital reach of the Oncotarget YouTube channel facilitates this connection.

To find out more about the Oncotarget YouTube channel, visit

To find out more about Oncotarget, visit the journal homepage at

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