
Testimonial: Dr. Reshma Sundar and Dr. Marene Landström

Below is a transcript of testimonials by Dr. Reshma Sundar and Dr. Marene Landström from the Department of Medical Biosciences at Umeå University in Sweden on their experience publishing “Pro-invasive properties of Snail1 are regulated by sumoylation in response to TGFβ stimulation in cancer” with Oncotarget.

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Dr. Reshma Sundar

I think that the process of submission and accepting everything went very fast. So we were really happy for the opportunity to publish our paper in your journal.

Dr. Marene Landström 

Yes, and I will also like to say that I totally agree with what Reshma has said. And I think that it is also very … we are very fortunate that we could publish our paper quite rapidly with Oncotarget because we know that we are in a very competitive field. I have to, again, say that this other paper that I saw was published a couple of weeks after our paper is now … we are also the first lab to be able to show this. I also have to say that I’m really glad that we could get our paper published quite rapidly. So I think that Oncotarget has (done) a good job to find good reviewers for our paper that know the field.

Click here to read the full study, published by Oncotarget.

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