
Testimonial: Dr. Monica Varun Tyagi

Dr. Monica Varun Tyagi discusses her experience publishing “GATA3 and APOBEC3B are prognostic markers in adrenocortical carcinoma and APOBEC3B is directly transcriptionally regulated by GATA3,” with Oncotarget.

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Dr. Monica Varun Tyagi

We are thankful to the editor of Oncotarget journal.

We have previously published in Oncotarget and had a good experience: A) first the timeline, B) the kind of a review we were getting on. The kind of comments showed how particular our paper was analyzed and the comments we got helped us in making our paper and projecting what we wanted to showcase in a defined manner, and helped us in improving the paper with these comments.

That’s why we chose to submit our paper in Oncotarget. Thank you.

Click here to read the full study published by Oncotarget.

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